These terms of use cover your use of this website. IFGL logos, devices, name are trademarks of IFGL.
All products and services provided by companies within IFGL have their own separate terms and conditions.
Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of content, IFGL accepts no liability for loss of any kind incurred as a result of reliance on the information or opinions provided on this website.
We have included links to third party websites in this site for your convenience. By giving access to such websites, we are not making any statement, warranty or representation as to the quality or contents of the other site. These websites are not covered by our Privacy Policy and we are not responsible for how information about their users is treated.
You may not reproduce any part of the content of the site without our prior written consent unless it is for personal use or for your internal business use. Anyone linking to this or any other IFGL website must obtain written permission from us before doing so.
The site and the Terms are governed by UK law and any dispute or action arising out of the use of the site will be determined exclusively in accordance with the laws of the UK. If you have any questions concerning these Terms please get in touch using the Contact Us page on this site.